Mr.GeekNerd's Facts
 This is some stuff about me you maybe want to know or don't.
 Some Facts about me.

 My real name is Parker. I am 13 years old and a only child. I am a really fast typer and I am in middle school right now. My favorite food is anything that is meat. I love Pop and Country music. I am trying to become a better Youtuber but I can't seem to find time to make any videos. But I promise to start trying to post videos. Also I am kinda a little bigger than people but I am ok with that because I don't care what people think of me. This is my Favorit quote "People say I am out of shape but isn't round a shape". I love coming up with quotes and just being different from other people. I am very tall. I have lots of friends. I like to sing to in my spare time or acutally any time. 
 Look at More.

 Now go look at some more of the stuff on this site. Look at the contact tab for my contact information and look at photos and videos.